Who is Trevor Steele?

Trevor Steele kun kravatoTrevor Steele is an Australian author who was born in 1940. He was a teacher and travelled a lot. Many of his books are influenced by his travels but he has written some typically Australian books too, about the persecution of Aborigenes in Tasmania and the successful resistance (for some years) of European invasion of Aboriginal land in the Kimberleys, for example. His novels are largely historical and cover a wide range of subjects. He is now retired but still very active in the teaching of Esperanto and writing in both Esperanto and English.

Consult the book lists above. Any comments are welcome.

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22 thoughts on “Who is Trevor Steele?”

  1. Mi aparte rekomendas “Kaj staros tre alte”. Kaj nun mi ĵus legis “Australia Felix”. Tute alia mondoparto kaj etoso.

  2. Thanks to Trevor for the translation of my excerpt ” The Cyber War Conspiracy”
    You want to know more how it goes on? Her´s the link to the translation project. It´s a crowdfounding project on:


    and of course to the website:

    If you support – thanks a lot in advance! Trevor will hopefully do the translation from german into english!

    With regards from Germany
    Thomas Biehlig
    Author of the Book ” Die Nanolithografie- A true sci fi techno thriller!
    In german:

  3. Dear Trevor, I left some comments on your previous page and hoped you would react. Perhaps you are too busy or do not have any wish to communicate with me.
    I am from Kyiv, Ukraine . Wanted to remind you of your young years teaching English and trying to understand why students were on a hunger strike (the first one on granit), how they were cheated by the first president.

    1. Dear Olga, you were like a mother to me when I was in Kiev in 1990. I have written a novel about my time in the Soviet Union called “Love Amid the Ruins”. Have a look at trevorsteeleauthor.com. And my very best wishes to you and you loved ones in 2020. I’m now married and living in Adelaide (South Australia).

  4. Dear Trevor, I sent you some of my posts which I do hope might be interested in. I do hope they might interest you and you will have more material for your next novel about Ukraine.

  5. Dear Olga, Have you already sent the posts? As e-mails? Nothing has arrived as far as I can tell, but I would be happy to receive material from you. And how is life in Ukraine these days (not as fiery as it is here, I hope).

  6. These are my new e-mails, I am no good at writing, my eyes are not good. But I will try to give you some entertainment.
    Do you also have this coronavirus in Adelaide? Here they say that they cannot save us unless we stay at home and this will be our safety. They do not give masks, no treatment in hospitals. Their aim is to kill all pensioners. They sort of lack money for treating us.
    This is a sort of Genocidal famine. Thanks God I have my two sons who send me food. They help me to survive. The younger one is in Strasbourg who brought the geese to my house so they packed a lot of food and sent all that to Ukraine. The older one is Viktor whom you know well because you worked with him in the English language course.
    I have an intermediary, my grandson who travels between Viktor’s home and helps them (they have just moved to their apartment and Nestor helps them to take the dogs out and helps his parents to move).

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